
Showing posts from July, 2010

Google App Inventor Eclipse Plugin

Hey, in case you missed it, here it is - the App Inventor plugin for easily making Android apps straight from your favourite IDE. Together with git, task management and debugger now you can make not only silly kitty apps, but something bigger too :-) See it in action: (embedded Youtube video below) so wouldn't that be easy with web plugins ?

Extend Eclipse in JavaScript... or PHP :-)

The JavaScript unit tests view for Eclipse I blogged last time, wouldn't be anything special, unless you're JavaScript guy. Except the fact that it's implemented in plain HTML+JavaScript for GUI part and business logic. Ah.. and it uses jQuery too, so I think I can label the view as an example of jQuery plugins for Eclipse :-) This has several advantages: - I don't need to know Java to extend Eclipse. This is great for such Eclipse IDE users as JavaScript, or PHP developers. - many things are easier to calculate in web languages, than Java. E.g. (running JS tests, running a web poll, etc.) - writing simple UI in HTML is dead easy. and you can use CSS :-) The main disadvantage is difficult communication with workbench. Java APIs are complicated and hard to map 1:1 in JavaScript, however for start I'm looking at exposing only few most useful features, like selection service. The inner workings are pretty simple. Some HTML is rendered by browser widget embedded in tra