
Showing posts from 2014

Talking with DigitalOcean from shell or JSON + bash = rcli

RESTful APIs with JSON are all over the software world.  SaaS, PaaS and other aS'es frequently expose HTTP endpoints that eat and breed JSON. They're fairly easy to work with by using almost any language, except when it comes to do something really simple from a shell script. Having extremely positive experience with JavaScript library Ramda that makes JSON processing very verbose, I'm now discovering new uses of it's command-line sister - Rcli: Ramda for Command line . DigitalOcean example Let's pretend we have a droplet in DigitalOcean and want to run a script on it. We're going to figure out droplet IP using API and run some script there via ssh. Sounds ideal for bash script. IP=`curl_get_droplet | \   R path droplets | \   R find where '{"name": ""}' | \   R path networks.v4.0.ip_address ` ssh root@$IP 'bash -s' < For simplicity, I replaced exact curl command with curl_get_droplet func

Spikes in RabbitMQ + NodeJS latency test

Measuring things is a fun way to confront assumptions we put everywhere. In software development products tend to be based on tens of assumptions, such as that network will be fast enough, REST or database transaction time short enough, success rate for external API calls within reasonable range. Knowing the limits of those assumptions is always worth at least one beer. The other day I was looking how long it takes my message queue, RabbitMQ, to pass messages from producer to consumer. RabbitMQ has loads of options: queues, topics, durability, acknowledgements, clustering to name a few. It's not obvious how those different options affect latency.  I wrote two little NodeJS processes - producer and consumer, based on samples from RabbitMQ tutorial, to measure how long it takes a message to fly from one process to the other. Those processes would just run many times with various configs to produce data - big latency table. Unfortunately, the very basic scenario turned out to be a