How long NodeJS setTimeout takes on various environments?
A while ago, I posted about latency spikes while sending messages through RabbitMQ. I'm back to the latency topic with a bit more measurements. The results back then turned out to be a bit of mystery and surprise to me, and latency is not something that can be easily debugged. It took many small steps to better understand what's happening. First of them, was closer look at what impact does the environment have on the test. One of the things that I tried back then was running benchmarks in VirtualBox on idle MacBook Pro - my primary home machine. I was also using an ageing ThinkPad laptop with 32bit CPU, but it's results were hardly comparable to 64bit architectures so I left it. Anyway, VBox+MacBookPro turned out to be fairly bad idea, because those extra layers add a lot of noise, whereas latency test is exactly that moment in time when you don't want any noise. Running the tests in the cloud (i.e. DigitalOcean) appeared to be much better because that way, each...