
Showing posts from 2010

Google App Inventor Eclipse Plugin

Hey, in case you missed it, here it is - the App Inventor plugin for easily making Android apps straight from your favourite IDE. Together with git, task management and debugger now you can make not only silly kitty apps, but something bigger too :-) See it in action: (embedded Youtube video below) so wouldn't that be easy with web plugins ?

Extend Eclipse in JavaScript... or PHP :-)

The JavaScript unit tests view for Eclipse I blogged last time, wouldn't be anything special, unless you're JavaScript guy. Except the fact that it's implemented in plain HTML+JavaScript for GUI part and business logic. Ah.. and it uses jQuery too, so I think I can label the view as an example of jQuery plugins for Eclipse :-) This has several advantages: - I don't need to know Java to extend Eclipse. This is great for such Eclipse IDE users as JavaScript, or PHP developers. - many things are easier to calculate in web languages, than Java. E.g. (running JS tests, running a web poll, etc.) - writing simple UI in HTML is dead easy. and you can use CSS :-) The main disadvantage is difficult communication with workbench. Java APIs are complicated and hard to map 1:1 in JavaScript, however for start I'm looking at exposing only few most useful features, like selection service. The inner workings are pretty simple. Some HTML is rendered by browser widget embedded in tra

JavaScript unit tests in Eclipse

Anybody knows what's currently the most popular tool for javascript unit testing? While figuring this out, I made up a simple javascript unit tests integration with Eclipse to easily run precious tests from my favourite environment :-) Unit tests are simple objects with functions to test and there's a couple of JUnit-style assertions. I wonder if the above view could be integrated with some real JS unit test tool.

Understanding JavaScript libraries

I'd like to share with you some thoughts on supporting javascript libraries in an IDE. I found it quite interesting so far and I hope you'll enjoy the read :-) Let's assume we have to add content-assist for popular javascript libraries, like jQuery or Prototype, etc, there's dozens of those. First of all, if those libraries are written entierly in JavaScript, why do we have to add anything special? Can't some JS parser (e.g. JSDT) just take care of understanding those libraries, like it's done for Java or other languages? Unfortunately no. Most popular convention in JavaScript world is to write libraries that self-expand themselves in runtime. For example: /** this function adds all fields and functions to given object */ jQuery.extend = function(object, fields) { for (var field in fields) { object.prototype[field] = fields[field]; } }; jQuery.extend(Array, { /** Removes an object from array */ remove : function(obj) { } /** Pri

Looking thru the mirror

After a loaf of Java, bite of JavaScript and little bit of PHP in my most recent career, last week I headed to Poznan .Net Group meeting to see what are this guys doing up there. Assuming you're a Java guy, you know who is who in Java world, you know what's JEE, you wait for Java7, can tell why NetBeans sucks. You meet a Java friend and together whine about Maven, Eclipse, EJB, then have a beer and next day all again. And now there are those .Net folks. What are they up to? One guy there was from company of approx. 200 Java engineers. Only his (10 person?) team does .Net there. Oh my, are this two groups talking with each other during a lunch? That's what I was wondering on my way there. And the meeting was fun. At first look, just as I had passed a magic mirror with applied "s/Java/.Net/". About 10 people in the room (quite like on our Java group), tense air, two topics: S#arp Architecture and PowerPivot review. I especially liked S#arp because it's kind of f

Wspólna lista poznańskich forów IT już jest

Już jest jedna wspólna lista poznańskich grup informatyków! Wszystkie wpisy są ładnie posegregowane by łatwo się zorientować, który pochodzi z JUGu, .Netu, itp. Na pierwszy rzut oka wygląda że największy ruch jest na grupie Javowej, ale może to tylko zbieg okoliczności. Oczywiście nie wszystko jeszcze się udało. Np. poznańskim Linuksowcom szwankuje strona, adobowcy nie mają forum a jedynie bloga, grupy uczelniane (Politechniczne Booboo i Uniwersysteckie KINO) korzystają z uczelnianych list dyskusyjnych, gdzie jedynym sposobem nadążania za dyskusją jest zapisanie swojego e-maila - o RSS jeszcze nikt tam nie słyszał. Link RSS: Poznan IT Groups . Dla ciekawskich jest też jak to tam sobie działa .

Co tam ciekawego w Poznaniu!?

Odkąd bardziej interesuję się javascriptem, odkrywam nową cechę społeczności javowej. Jest ona najbardziej zorganizowaną grupą programistów regularnie spotykających się w wielu miastach tylko po to by zdradzać kilka technicznych sekretów swoich warsztatów. Są ludzie z korporacji, studenci, konsultanci, startupowcy, naukowcy - niemal wszyscy. Większości nikt za przychodzenie nie płaci, czasem można zgarnąć książkę ale najczęściej jedynym plusem ze spotkania jest kilka nowych ciekawostek i znajomości. A co wśród wyznawców innych języków? .Net-owcy, php-owcy, erlang-owcy (mieliby co gadać o nktalku:-), dynamiczni, itp, itp. a potem bazodanowcy, flaszowcy, linuksowcy (tu wiem: PLUG)? Powiedzmy, że wchodzę w nowy język/temat i mam setkę pytań - jak tu zacząć? Najprościej oczywiście na starych dobrych grupach dyskusyjnych, ale jak tu znaleźć kogoś w okolicy? Stąd wpadł mi pomysł by zebrać do kupy wszystkich programistów i grupy z Poznania i okolicy. Docelowo chciałbym widzieć kalendarz ze ws

GeeCON 2010 - Call for papers

May will be great month to be in Poznan. We'll be having a biggest Java conference in Poland and eastern Europe. The list of speakers is already getting very interesting. If you will be around, consider visiting us. Below I'll paste the call for papers, specially that there's not much OSGi or Eclipse speakers yet. There are also cool vids from last year, you might like to see . GeeCON 2010 - Call for papers We want you to share your knowledge with others during GeeCON! We are interested in hosting lectures on subjects associated with Java and software engineering, such as: Java EE, OSGi, enterprise architecture patterns and best practices rich internet applications (Flex, JavaFX) and Java Desktop applications modern web frameworks (Wicket, Grails, JSF etc.) domain specific languages languages on the JVM (Groovy, JRuby, Scala, Clojure ...) mobile computing (Android, Java ME) JVM performance tuning distributed computing software quality assurance in the Java world (